Top Books to Read in Corona Virus Pandemic.
Read. Learn. Grow. It is very unfortunate that Corona Virus have left all of us …
MODEL UNITED NATIONS (MUN) The MUNs or Model United Nations are on a peak and a burning event across the world. Every next University you would come across is hosting an MUN. The very first question that arises in the mind is, What are MUNs ? Let's first …
Whenever you hear about the holy 'Rath Yatra', the very first place that would come in your mind is Puri, Odisha. One of three Rath Fortunately, being a resident of Bhubaneswar, Odisha, I got a chance to explore this dynamic festival celebrated in the …
There comes a time each year during monsoon when seeing devotees of Lord Shiva walking down the highways and roads is normal. It is pretty common in every part of the country. Name any direction, and you will find a kanwar there. They can be spotted with bright …
We are going to discuss about a very different place located in the Northeren Part of Rajasthan and is essentially famous for its forts and havelis. I am talking about the city none other than Alwar! View this post on Instagram …
This beautiful city of joy and amazement is located in the Eastern Part of the India and is the capital of West Bengal. It lies in the Bay of Bengal and was the previous capital of India. I had very short time to explore the city but I made sure to enjoy its …
Read. Learn. Grow. It is very unfortunate that Corona Virus have left all of us …
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