It is a matter of demise and misfortune that the world has
come down crumbling so badly that it had taken businesses and factories in its
fangs of COVID 19.
While you can either curse the situation or stand up and
deal with it. The latter is far of a better decision.
When the companies are facing so much of trouble due to the
downfall in the market, they had decided to make their employees “work-from-home.”
Most of the world is still
working on this principle and making it quite a successful way. The biggest
advantages of this is that neither the companies are losing their revenues nor
the employees are feeling bored at home.
Here are the 5 most effective ways in which you can make the
process of working from home more interesting and fruitful:
TIP #1: Relax!
Now you can wake up, grab a coffee and directly go to your
office(virtually). Bid adieu to those long traveling hours that you have to put
up in the morning in order to reach your office. This also cut down your budget
of traveling as many of you have to measure long miles to reach their offices.
TIP #2: Ditch formals.
You are at home for 24 hours, don’t you deserve a little
liberty to be in your tracks and a t-shirt all day long ?
Of course, this opportunity should not be misused when you
are in real cooperate meetings.
But it’s okay to cheat sometimes.Remember those childhood memories when you used to cheat in
an exam and never got caught by the teacher ? Yes, you did a great job!
TIP #3: Master of your own time.
In some sectors it is advisable to remain ‘online’ during
the office hours and in the midst of that you can quickly go to the kitchen and
grab something to eat. I know I am being too much of a foodie while giving you
this advice, but you can take the chances.
Since you will be at home all day long you can ask your boss
for some extra time or you can be more comfortable with your time management.
TIP #4: Stay Fit.
You don’t want to come out of this quarantine being a big
fat potato head, do you? So, keeping your health in your mind, do some
exercises and keep yourself fit.
TIP #5: Don’t be too harsh.
The time of quarantine and the experiences associated with
it wouldn’t ever come again (hope so), so do enjoy the time allotted to you.
Explore more of your hobbies, read a dozen of books, burn
some calories and stay healthy at home.
These were the few tips which might help you survive this
lockdown time and we hope that you would come out flourishing through this
difficult time. It is highly advisable from the team of LostWanderer to stay at
home and save yours and other's lives too.